This website provides all participants with the necessary information for the Teleseminar "Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems".
General Information
Course Description / Learning Materials
Travel Dates to Lancaster / Oslo
Teleseminar: Advanced Topics in Future Internet
- Travel to Lancaster
Date: February 24-26, 2010 - Next meeting: Selection of the assignments
Date: February 24, 2010
Time: 12:00-13:30
Building: A 5, Room: C112
- Kickoff meeting: Introduction
Date: February 17, 2010
Time: 10:15-11:45
Building: A 5, Room: C112
Partners of the joint seminar
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University of Oslo
Helsinki University of Technology
Lancaster University
Technical University of Darmstadt
University of Mannheim
University of Coimbra
General Information
It is the purpose of this joint seminar between six European Universities to bring together researchers and students from several places to do joint work. Another cornerstone of this joint seminar are joint six-week long lab assignments. Students from the University of Oslo (NO), Lancaster University (UK), Technical University of Darmstadt (DE), University of Mannheim (DE), and Helsinki University of Technology (FIN), and University of Coimbra (P) are encouraged to collaborate together to fulfill the mandatory requirements for this joint course. The participating universities have outstanding research groups, and it will be quite beneficial for students on both sides to learn more about international state-of-the-art research and cooperation.
In addition, it has become quite normal for computer scientists to work on an international team after they graduate. For example, consulting companies often form such international teams, with colleagues with specific competences from all over the world, to work on customer problems, using their laptops, no matter where they currently are. We intend to create a similar setting for our students in order to train them for this new scenario.
The teleseminar in the Spring of 2010 will discuss advanced topics in future internet. Students should have participated in an introductory course on computer networks. This course presents up-to-date topics in the area of future internet. Each participating institution provides lectures held by participating European researchers. The talks will be made available as lecture recordings. The talks might include the following topics:
- Mobile IP
- Streaming through firewalls and NATS
- Delay Tolerant Networking
- Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
- Mobility support for IP-based networks
- Peer-to-Peer systems and architechtures
- Measurement and analysis of Internet traffic
- Data processing in sensor networks
- Energy Efficient Sensor Networks
- Game Applications in Peer-to-Peer Networks
Joint Meeting
We will have a meeting at Lancaster University or University of Oslo in February or March 2010, give an introduction to the topic and build small international teams. In a subsequent cooperation phase of approximately 6 weeks, the teams will cooperate from their home locations, working on lab assignments, prepare a short joint paper (10 page IEEE style), and present and discuss their results.
Grading and Participation
For Mannheim students the participation will either count as a seminar (3 or 4 ECTS points), as a ”Programmier-Praktikum” (6 ECTS points), or as a "Studienarbeit", depending on the amount of work you are planning to spend.
If you are interested in a really exciting international experience we invite you to apply for this teleseminar. :
- In Mannheim, please send an email with information about your studies and standing so far to Professor Effelsberg (effelsberg(at)informatik.uni-mannheim.de) .
- If you have any questions, please contact Stephan Kopf.