Seminar: The Inverted Lecture: Concepts for an Active Learning Environment

Topic: The Inverted Lecture: Concepts for an Active Learning Environment
Contact person:Daniel Schön, Philip Mildner and Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Effelsberg
Kick-off meeting The initial kick-off meeting is scheduled for September 4th, 10:15-11:45 in room A 5, C112. In this meeting the topics will be assigned to the participants and a date for the following meetings will be determined.

A preliminary registration is not necessary.
Location and Time Wednesday, 10:15-11:45, Building A5, Room C112
Description: Inverted Lecture (also known as inverted classroom or flip teaching) denotes a concept that differs from traditional teaching methods. In the traditional method, lectures are treated as the primary way of delivering knowledge. Although this knowledge can be practiced in exercises afterwards, the first contact with it is quite passive. In the inverted lecture, on the other hand, this whole concept is reversed: Within a course, students start with learning the required knowledge on their own by listening to recorded lecture videos or by reading books. The “classroom session” is then only used to discuss and practice the already learned knowledge. In this way, students are encouraged to get more involved into the learning process as they learn more actively.

The goal of this seminar is to get to know the principles of the inverted lecture concepts and to present results of case studies where this approach already has been utilized. Furthermore, techniques that contribute to such an active learning environment will be examined. This includes technology-based participation like online quizzes as well as learning games that can be used as a training environments and as motivational aspects.
List of topics: 25.09.

Invited Talk: Christian Spannagel from the Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg


Rusen Gül: Studies and Evaluations of the Inverted Lecture Concept (I)

Fabian Kramm: Studies and Evaluations of the Inverted Lecture Concept (II)


Steffen Sikora: The Inverted Lecture—Concepts and Overview

Sebastian Keller: Alice—A Storytelling based Tool for Teaching Programming Skills


Florian Leicher: Educational Games and Simulations (I)

Muhamet Babacan: Educational Games and Simulations (II)


Bernd Pfister: Didactics of the Inverted Lecture Concept


Licheng Yang: Tablets and Smartphones in Education (I)

Sadettin Ötztürk: Tablets and Smartphones in Education (II)


Ricardo Lüer: Survey of Learning Games in Higher Education (I)

David Wroblewski: Survey of Learning Games in Higher Education (II)


Nikolas Böhm: Survey of Learning Games in Higher Education (III)

A more detailed List of Topics can be found here.
Links ACM
Grading You will receive a grade based on the quality of your half-hour talk, your written text (10 - 12 pages) and the participation in the discussions.
Languages German and English